Code Translation
This file above also allow code translation where required.
For this line, if a string is found with the name ‘TBxxxx’, where xxx are any characters,
it will be converted to ‘EBxxxx’. Thus TB999 will become EB999, and TBHELLO will become
EBHELLO. The right hand side of the code is preserved.
Select Translation
The ‘Select Points’ or ‘Select Layers’ button can be used to select which layers and points
will be written to the output file.
The default is to include all layers. The top part of the dialog box allow the operator to choose
which layers will be included. Highlight the layers required and use the arrow keys to move the layers
from the ‘Un-selected’ list to the ‘selected’ list.
The default is to include all points. The bottom part of the dialog box allow the operator to choose
which points will be included. A range of points can be selected and a sheet name (only points on that sheet
will be included), and a centroid point and a radius (only points within the radius distance of the centroid
point will be included.)
The ‘Select Layers/Points’ option can be used for
* ACS / Write points
* Write DXF Job
* Write MOSS GENIO file